The most from him is some quick scatting in his introduction and second appearance, but he doesn't burst out into song the way other characters do until " Down and Out", though it's part of a performance. Singing: It is implied that he has some singing skills, given the fact that there are several pictures in his dressing room that show him singing onstage.He performs the same dance again in "Release the Demons!" Dancing: He is shown to be adept at dancing, more notably shown in "Roll the Dice", where he performs a perfectly choreographed dance routine during the introduction of the game show.Another example of his deceitfulness is shown in "Release the Demons!", where he successfully manipulates some of the demons he's forced to work with into killing each other just to steal all the glory for Cuphead's capture. Manipulation: In his appearances, he is shown to be a master manipulator and con artist, able to successfully trick people into playing a game where the "prize" is that they lose their souls.

In "Release the Demons!" he kills the demons he's supposed to be working with just to steal all the glory for Cuphead's capture, showing how heinous and desperate he is when It comes to competition, especially considering how horrified he was when the Devil had accidentally incinerated his finest demons earlier. The three things King Dice cares about are himself, his title as the Devil's "Number One", and his gameshow. King Dice is also shown to have an egotistical streak, even flirting with his own reflection before heading out on stage. This also brings out a more impatient and forceful side to him, as Dice becomes incredibly angry and irritated from Cuphead's antics and tries to make him go into the "prize room" by force after reaching the end of his rope. Of course, unlike in the game, King Dice is more prone to underestimating Cuphead, as when he appeared on his show, he thought he would easily snatch up his soul for the Devil. While much more charismatic than his portrayal in the game, he is no less deceitful and manipulative, as shown with his "prize" for the "winners" of his game show being them having their souls sucked out and sent to The Devil, and then having their bodies shoved out the door in front of a sign saying "thanks for playing." His deceiving nature is also shown in " Release the Demons!", where he manipulates some of the demons he's forced to work with into killing each other so he can be the last one standing and get Cuphead's soul for his boss. King Dice's personality isn't really all that different from his original game counterpart.