The “Have a Science Baby with…” interaction will also now work correctly with MC Woohoo deployed.If MC Woohoo was deployed, “Have a Science Baby” would not generate a baby even though the cost would be paid.Teleporting to a Gnome would cause an LE and not work.Setting a pet age or aging a Sim down from MCCC would cause an LE and not work.(Note that if a player has a custom adult age span that is greater than an infant’s current age, when they deploy this hotfix, the infant will immediately age-up). Infants were using adult custom age spans.I wanted the public to have all of the fixes I had before I start working on the next release, which could be a few weeks to get out. It is very important to me that other people can see my post.MCCC 2023.1.3 is out! This is the last hotfix fixing all the known issues we’ve found so far with 2023.1.0 with EA’s Growing Together update released March 14th.

If you can spare anything at all, you can donate and help me. I do not have a job at the moment, the only money I have is from the scholarship from my uni, but it is not much in my country :/ He is so tiny and innocent, and i just don’t understand how people can be so cruel. I want to help him and pay for his treatment, because i feel responsible for him. It is possible that the dog will have his leg/legs amputated. I have to pay for each day he spent at the clinic, for his medication and care. We took him to the vet, we did not even know if he would survive. In my country it is very cold now, so it was completely frozen. I have no idea how long he was lying there.

Someone just threw him out and left him to die. The dog was clean, so he probably was not homeless and this is the worst. He was put in a bag and had tied his paws with a string - so he would not be able to escape. He was totally frozen, he was shivering. He was very scared. Two days ago, my sister went for a walk with her dog, our dog found a bag in the bushes. I live in the countryside, there are a lot of forests here. I don’t like to ask for help, and i really don’t do it when it’s about me.